Gia & Lamont's Wedding Page
Bride and Groom | Our Engagement! | Rehearsal Dinner | Ceremony | Reception | Hotel Accommodations | Our Wedding Party | Honeymoon | Bridal Registry | Contact Us/Cast Your Vote! | Angel Collection




It's a Royal Angelic Wedding

To all of our family and friends, you have expressed such interest and support about our upcoming nuptials and we are entirely grateful. We express total and complete gratitude to you for all of your support! Therefore, we have created this web page with YOU in mind. In order to keep you updated with the wedding plans, we thought this would be the ideal method; it is convenient for our family members far and near.

With God, we are fulfilling his plans for our lives of mutually completing one another. Not only are we excited about our wedding day plans; we are more importantly ecstatic about our lives together after our wedding day celebration. Whether or not you are able to share the day with us, we hope this web page conveys some of the love, happiness, and elation that we are experiencing. Not only are we marrying the one we love, we are marrying our best friends.

On this home page, we'll include some general information, such as the date of the wedding, where it will be held, as well as the formality of the wedding just to name a few. (Always important!) We will also include a few of our favorite pictures. We are going to try to hook you up with any information that you feel may be vital to know for the Big Day!

Please Don't forget to sign our guest book after you've taken a look around! We want to know what you think.

A bride and groom; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Time By Escati
Countdown to December 14, 2002 Our Wedding Day!

click here to play sound

Last updated on 10/1/2002, 2:59:40 PM