Every year when my birthday is approaching, Lamont would ask me what I wanted for my birthday. This year was an exception. I thought about reminding him about my birthday then I decided to wait and see if he would remember. As the days towards my birthday drew closer, I began to wonder why he had not said anything about my birthday. He called early in the morning to wish me a happy birthday, and then I went on to my classes. That day, practically EVERYONE I knew sent an electronic birthday card to me. I did not even know that all of these people knew it was my birthday. I went home that afternoon and waited to see what my boyfriend had planned for me. The time grew later and later and I grew more and more upset. He called that night to say that he was coming by and that he was going to take me to dinner. So, as you might guess, I didn't eat and now, not only was I upset but I was hungry! That night when he finally arrived my aunt answered the door and I stayed in my room. When he finally called for me I came out but my face was screwed up, as you would imagine. But, to my surprise the family room had been all set up for my birthday celebration! The expression on my face made a ninety-degree turn. I was in complete shock not knowing that the real shock would come later that night. Lamont cooked dinner, I remember every portion of the meal.... it was delicious. After dinner Lamont brought out my birthday cake, it was beautiful. It was a humongous cake with a beautiful rainbow in the top left side of it. It almost looked like there was real gold at the end of the rainbow. Lamont asked me to cut the cake and that is when I saw the ring. I didn't say anything about the ring because I wasn't thinking straightI was still in shock about the surprise dinner. He took the ring out of the cake and got down on one knee. My heart skipped a beat; I could not believe what was happening. He looked up at me and I began to cry as he asked, "Gia, will you marry me? I said of course. It turns out that all of those people who sent me the electronic birthday card were conspiring with Lamont.  |